We think RTG is one of the fastest, most efficient SNMP statistics systems around. Below we list data from the current speed record, approximately 1800 objects polled and inserted into the database per second. This equates to a theoretical maximum of approximately 540,000 objects in a typical 5 minute sample interval from a well-equiped configuration. An object is a single unique SNMP OID.

If you have RTG running faster/better/more efficiently, we'd love to hear from you on the mailing list!

1st Place (Felix Schueren):
System (rtgpoll):
  1.2 GHz Intel Celeron
  256 MB RAM
  Debian 3.0, Kernel 2.4.22, MySQL 4.0.16, using HEAP tables

Code: rtg-0.7.4CVS, 20 threads
SNMP targets: 15392 (on 144 devices)

Sample    Poll Time
726         8.205s
727         8.150s
728         8.201s
729         8.259s
730         8.218s
731         8.232s
732         8.246s
733         8.217s
734         8.199s
735         8.211s

10 samples average poll time: 8.214 secs, ~1870 targets/sec

load average on the system is 0.32 for the last 15 minutes

2nd Place (Felix Schueren):
System (rtgpoll):
  1 GHz Intel Celeron
  256 MB RAM
  Redhat Linux 8.0, Kernel 2.4.18-18

System (MySQL):
  2 x 2 GHz Intel Xeon (w/ hyperthreading)
  2 GB RAM
  Redhat Linux 8.0, Kernel 2.4.18-19smp

Code: rtg 0.7.3CVS w/ 15 threads
SNMP targets: 4088 (on 49 hosts total)

Sample  Poll Time
0         2.466s (first poll, no DB queries)
1         2.653s
2         2.644s
3         2.623s
4         2.625s

4 "full" sample average: 2.636 secs (or ~1550 targets/sec).

5 polls CPU: 2.27u 0.08s

3rd Place:
  Sun Fire V880
  2x900MHz Ultra SPARC III

Code: RTG 0.7.2 w/ 10 threads

SNMP Targets: 5285

Sample    Poll Time
0           21.240 (first poll, no DB inserts)
1           21.400
2           22.204
3           23.012
4           21.879
5           23.380

5 "full" sample average: 22.375 secs (or ~236 targets/sec).

6 polls CPU: 6.81u 6.82s 6:16.34 3.6%

User CPU (s)     System CPU (s)      CPU %
  1.14               1.14             3.6