RTG Example Running rtgpoll:

The RTG poller, rtgpoll, normally runs quietly as a daemon, however it is often advisable to turn on one level of verbosity and log it to a file (we like to invoke rtgpoll as: "nohup ./rtgpoll -v -t targets.cfg > targets.out &". We then tail targets.out to continually keep a running eye on RTG. This example shows a properly running RTG poller with 1205 targets (it is achieving ~160 polls/sec).

RTG version 0.7.3 starting.
Reading RTG config [rtg.conf].

Reading RTG target list [targets.cfg].
Successfully randomized [1205] targets, (723000 bytes).
Initializing threads (5).
Initializing SNMP (v2).
Connecting to MySQL database 'rtg' on 'localhost'...connected.
RTG Ready.
[01/07 23:57:03 Queue ready, broadcasting thread go condition.]
[01/07 23:57:10 Poll round 1 complete.]

[Polls = 1205] [DBInserts = 0] [Wraps = 0] [OutOfRange = 0]
[No Resp = 0] [SNMP Errors = 0] [Slow = 0] [PollTime = 6.911s]
Next Poll: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...

[Polls = 2410] [DBInserts = 964] [Wraps = 0] [OutOfRange = 0]
[No Resp = 0] [SNMP Errors = 0] [Slow = 0] [PollTime = 7.069s]
Next Poll: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...


[Polls = 204850] [DBInserts = 162916] [Wraps = 0] [OutOfRange = 0]
[No Resp = 0] [SNMP Errors = 0] [Slow = 0] [PollTime = 7.315s]
Next Poll: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...

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